bool RenderShadowToTexture(int
obj,float* matrix,int texture,swshadowmapstruct* swshadowmap)
Render the object with his matrix into a shadow texture. The input texture must
be with shadow texture type. You can define it when you create a texture with
CreateTexture(). The texture
size is define in the endgine like RENDERTARGSIZE. Normally it is 256. It will make
a swshadowmap object, that will represent the parameters of the map with your texture.
So you can use it on more objects, therefore you can make more shadow with it.
IMPORTANT: you need make it after Render, or before Render, because it modify
the rendertarget.
Obj: Id of input object.
Matrix: TMatrix of input object. It is in object space.
Texture: Id of texture.
Swshadowmap[out]: your shadow map object in swshadowmapstruct.