int CreateTexture(char* name,int xsize,int ysize,int type)
name: it is a identification name. You need give different name for new textures.
xsize,ysize: x, and y size of new texture. You do not make larger texture than the video card support.
D3DFMT_RENDER 10000 : you can render the screen into it
D3DFMT_TEXTURE 10001: standard texture,it is in R8G8B8 format for PC, and R5G6B5 for PSP
D3DFMT_TEXTURE_ALPHA 10002:alpha texture: it is A8R8G8B8 format
D3DFMT_SHADOW 10003: you can
render the shadow into it, but you can not set the dimensions of
texture, because it is a engine parameter.
D3DFMT_BUMP 10016: The 32bits format is D3DFMT_Q8W8V8U8.
[out]: Id of texture. Or -1 if there was a error.